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Here at Hastings, Bexhill and District Freshwater Angling Association we recognise our duty of care to safeguard and protect young people and vulnerable people.


On this page you will find links to the relevant documents that outline the policies we follow and a document detailing how to report your concerns with a how we as a club will respond to any welfare concerns.


Please if you have any concerns about yourself or another member please contact the welfare officer. If you see, hear or witness anything that concerns you then please contact the welfare officer.


Welfare Officer - Ruth Anderson - 07803 816668


Risk Assessment 

Safegaurding young people policy 

Safeguarding vulnerable people Policy

How to respond to and report a safeguarding incident


Age related policies:-

Night Fishing-

Buckshole and Pebsham no one under the age of 16 may night fish.

Buckshole and Pebsham young people aged 16 - 1may fish unaccompanied at night if parents consent is given on membership form along with parents contact telephone number.

Wishing Tree under 16's must be accompanied by a parent or guardian when night fishing (under 12's should be added to parent/guardians membership, 13-16 must have their own membership but be fishing with their parent or guardian).

Wishing Tree young people aged 16 - 1may fish unaccompanied at night if parents consent is given on membership form along with parents contact telephone number.


Day Fishing-

Children 12 and under must be added to parent or guardians membership and must be fishing with the respective guardian or parent.

Children aged 13 - 16 may fish unaccompanied if parents consent is given on membership form along with parents contact telephone number.

Young people aged 16 - 18 may fish unaccompanied if parents consent is given on membership form along with parents contact telephone number.


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